
Cervantes International Bibliography Online (CIBO)


CoverageDeadlines and Format

The Cervantes International Bibliography Online (CIBO), edited by Eduardo Urbina with the assistance of an international team of collaborators, and with the support of the Center for the Study of Digital Libraries(CSDL) at Texas A&M University, and the Centro de Estudios Cervantinos (Alcalá de Henares, Spain), attempts to record all significant books, articles, reviews, dissertations, and other materials of scholarly interest about Cervantes. The CIBO is organized in three parts: 1) General Studies; 2) Genre Studies, and 3) Studies about individual works.


The Bibliography will include initially, as completely as possible, some materials while others will be covered only selectively or not at all. We ask that all authors and contributors: 1) limit their annotations to less than 100 words; 2) evalua te carefully entries that only deal in part with Cervantes, considering in particular what they contribute as far as originality and new insights; and 3) send the appropriate documentation (book, offprints, photocopies, table of contents).

Starting with 1994 publications, the CIBO will attempt to cover comprehensively:

--Books, articles, notes and doctoral dissertations entirely about Cervantes or that include a substantial discussion of Cervantes (e.g., a chapter or its equivalent devoted to Cervantes).
--Reviews of books entirely or substantially about Cervantes.

We will attempt thorough, but not comprehensive, coverage of:

--Books, articles, and doctoral dissertations that discuss Cervantes in a very brief but identifiable section that offers more than a recapitulation of commonly known facts or interpretations.
--Popular journalistic accounts of Cervantes interest.
--Reviews of books that are not completely devoted to works about Cervantes (although substantive discussions will be cited as reviews under the individual books).

Each entry will consist of a citation (giving full bibliographical information- -or its equivalent for non-print media) and a brief annotation for rare publications or for those written in languages less commonly known; tables of contents, indexes, abstracts and full texts will also be included when available and allowed by publishers. Entries for books will cite reviews. Records will be searchable in the electronic database by author, title, subject, keyword, date, medium, language, publisher, and periodical title. The full-text software designed by the CSDL allows ranked and boolean searches in addition to letting users click on names, terms, concepts, and titles to call to the screen related records.

Deadlines and Format

The deadline to submit entries is March 2002. We prefer that information be sent electronically via e-mail or disk in Windows 98 format. Entries can also be sent, of course, via fax or air mail. We follow the MLA Style Manual 1985 with some modifications.

, Department of Modern and Classical Languages, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843; (409) 845-0464 or 693-6056; fax (409) 845-6421; E-mail:


For additional information or to submit entries contact Dr. Eduardo Urbina
Department of Modern & Classical Languages
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843

(409) 845-0464; Fax: (409) 845-6421,