

Don Quixote Dictinary. Compiled by Tom Lafthrop.

Don Quixote Dictionary

Don Quixote Dictionary

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sábado Saturday [II25]

sábana sheet [I16]

sabandija vermin [II33]

saber to taste [I11]; es de - it should be made known [II17]

sabido known [I5], knowing [I11]

sabidor knower arch. [I15], confidante [I13]

sabiduría knowledge [I27], ingenuity [I31]

sabiendas, a knowingly [I47]

sabio wise person [I23]; sabio,-a sage [I2]

saboga shad [II29]

sabor pleasure [I15], taste [II13], -es likes [I23]

saborear to savor [II54]saboyana skirt [I52]

sabrosamente deliciously [I34]

sabrosísimo very delicious [I51]

sabroso pleasant [I8], delicious [I11]

sacabuche primitive trombone [II27]

sacapotras quack [I24]

sacar to extract [I1], to take out [I1], to receive [II8], to stick out [II17], to gather [II37]; - a luz to publish [dedI], - en limpio to conclude [I18], -le de sentido to drive one mad [II28], - a plaza to show [II 62]

sacerdote priest [I12]

saco bag [I20]

sacra escritura Bible [I49]

sacrificio sacrifice [I27]

sacrilegio sacrilege [I19]

sacristán sexton [I25]

sacristanía office of sexton [I26]

sacro holy [II8]

sacudiendo flapping [I22], shaking [I28]

sacudir to beat [II11], to shake [II14]

saeta arrow [I23]

sagacidad discernment [I21], shrewdness [I25]

sagaz keen-witted [I34]

sagitario wise man [II54]

sagrada sacred [I19]

sahumado perfumed; with interest [I4]

sahumerio interest [I4]

sal salt [I7]

sala parlor [I27], room [I27]

salamanquesa salamander [II45]

salar to salt [I9]

salario salary [I18]

salida sally [I2]

salir to look on to [II62], to promise [II63], -le al camino to anticipate [II16]

saliva saliva [II13]

salmanticense Salmantine [II7]

salmantino person from Salamanca [I6]

salpicón hash [I1]

salsa gravy [I19]

saltado protruding [II1]

saltaembarca blouse [II49]

saltar(se) to bound [I22], to jump [I39], to jump up [II10], to go ashore [II1], to leap [II19], to come out [II47]

salteador highwayman [I29]

saltear to snatch [I9], to take by surprise [I15], to rob [II49]

salterio psaltery [II19]

salto jump [I21], leaps [II11], a - by hops [I20]

salud health [prI], welfare [I15], salvation [II6]

saludable sound [II11]

saludado greeted [I2]

saludar to greet [I8]

salutación salutation [I37

salutífero healthy [I17]

salva oath [I48]; hacer la - to have the first bite [II59], a mano - easily [II73]

salvaje wild-man [I31]

salvamano, a without risk [II14]salvar to avoid [II48], -se to escape [I39], to save oneself [II26]

salve the Salve Regina [I17]

salvo excepting [I6], sound [I20], safety [I24], a su - without injury, safely [I25]

salvoconduto permission [I25], pass [II60]

sambenito penitent's shirt [II6]

sanado cured [I6]

sanar(se) to get better [I11], to cure [II18]

sandez folly [I2]

sandio foolish [I16]

sangrar to drain [I18], -se to be bled [I21]

sangre blood [I4]

sangría bloodletting [I4]

sangriento bloody [I52]

sanguíneo sanguine [II35]

sanguinolento bloody [I52]

sanidad health [I4], recovery [I1]

sano sound [I29], healed [I3], hale [I4], sound [I16], -s de Castilla "good people" [I2]

santa; non - unholy [I22], - escritura Holy Bible

santidad holiness [II44]

santiguada sign of the cross [I5]

santiguar to give the sign of the cross [I15], -se to cross oneself [II14]

santísimo very holy [I17]

santo saint [prI]; holy [I6], virtuous [II43]

santuario shrine [II54]

saña fury [I44]

sapo toad [II33]

sarao dancing party [II62]

sardesco small donkey [II27]

sardina arenque herring [I18]

sardo Sardinian [I6]

sarga painted fabric [II71]

sarna itch [I12]

sarta string of beads [I30]

sartén frying pan [II20]

sastre tailor [I45]

satanás satan [I5]

sátira satire [II1]

satírico satirical [II20]

sátiro satyr [I25]

satisfacer to settle [I2], to repay [I8], to atone [I14], to satisfy [I19], -se to satisfy oneself [I14]

satisfación = satisfacción [I4], confidence [I33], apology [II23], payment [II74]

satisfecho satisfied [I1], complete [I30]

sauce willow [II14]

saya skirt [I27]

sayagués rustic Leonese dialect [II19]

sayo jacket [I1], dress [I24]

sazón time [I20], opportunity [I40], antes de toda - prematurely [I2], en - de ready [I11],

sazonado ripe [I11], seasoned [II47]

scita = escita Scythian [II68]

secarle a uno to dry up [I1]

secarse to wilt [II53]

secas, a simply [I1],

seco dry [prI], en - stranded [II8]secretamente secretly [I34]

secretario guardian of a secret [I34]

secreto secret [I7], private [I13], anonymous [I15], en su - secretly [II51]

secta sect [I6], religion [I33]

secuaz underling [I45], follower [II21]

secutoria title [I45]

seda silk [I4], thread [I2]

sedero silk merchant [I9]

sediento thirsty [I13]

segador harvester [I32]

segar to cut [II39]

seglar secular [I6]

seguidamente straight [I20]

seguidillas light-hearted songs [II38]

seguido straight [I18]

seguidor follower [I46]

seguir to pursue [II53]

según according to [I1]

segundar to do a second time [I3], to repeat [I7]

segundo second [I6]

seguramente surely [dedI], safely [I41]

segurar to be sure [II2]

seguridad security [I17], safety [II41]

seguro certain [I7], safe [I23], unsuspicious [I27]; assurance [I24], a buen - it is certain [I13]

sellar to smack [II69]

sello seal [I48]

selva forest [I52], jungle [II17]

semblante face [I37], mien [II26]

sembradura sowing [I1]

sembrar to sow [I12]

semeja = semejanza resemblance [I12]

semejante like [prI], similar [I2], such [I2]

semejar to seem [I52]

semidoncella half-maiden [I42/43]

semínima musical quarter note [II40]

senado audience [II25]

sencilla simple [prI]; coin of little value [I2]

sencillez simplicity [II13]

sencillo coin of little value [I20]

senda path [I13]

sendero path [I52]

sendos one each [II41]

seno bosom [I11], bottom [II45]

sentado seated [II49]

sentencia maxim [prI], sentence [I7], opinion [I45], judgment [II66]

sentenciado, lo sentence pronounced against [II1]

sentenciar to pass judgment [II32]

sentible = sensible lamentable [I14]

sentido meaning [I1], sense [I14]; heard [I42/43]; heartfelt [I42/43]; sin - senseless [I8], heard [I20], unconscious [I41]

sentimiento pain [I5], feeling [I21]

sentir to hear [I16], to feel [I18], sympathize with [I28], to be aware [II11]; -se to resent [I19]seña indication [II16], sign [II17], -s description(s) [II41], por -s by signs [II25]

señal mark [I1], sound [I2], sign [I15], indication [I25], token [I8]

señaladísimo very great [II30]

señalado designated [I40], determined [I13], named [I20], outstanding [I3], with bodily defect [II48]

señalando pointing [I22]

señalar to point out [I20], to fix (a date, etc.) [II52], to signal [II63]

señas bearings [I25], description [I27], de - by signs [I24], por - by signs [I40], por más - seemingly [I31], as further proof [I23]

señero alone [I11]

señor lord [I39], gentleman [tasa I], master [I1]; Señor Lord [I12]; a lo - in a lordly way [II62]

señora mistress [I1], lady [I1]

señorazo bigshot [II8]

señorear to govern [I13]

señoría ladyship [I2], lordship [II3]

señoril lordly [I46]

señorío dominion [I15], dignity [II5]

señorito little man [II10]

señuelo lure [I11]

sepultado buried [prI]

sepultar to cave in [I18], to bury [II8], to be shrouded [II53], -se to bury oneself [II22]

sepultura grave [I13]

sequedad dryness [I6], abruptness [I33]

ser being [I37]

serenar to clear up [I18]

serenidad serenity [prI]

sereno night air [I12]; serene [II35]

serga exploit [I6]

sermón sermon [I18]

sermoncico little sermon [prI]

serpiente snake [I14]

serrallo harem [II63]

serrezuela little mountain range [I23]

servicio service [prI], table setting [II47]

servido pleased [I3], ser - to please [reI]

servidumbre service [II13]

servil groveling [II32]

servir to serve [I2], to wait on [I2], to repay [I24], - de to serve as [I2]; -se to be pleased [I40]; -se de to use [I41]

sesgo still [II21]

seso(s) brain [I2], wits [I23], en - seriously [I50]

sestear to nap [I15]

sesto = sexto sixth [I21]

setenas sevenfold interest [I4]

severo harsh [aprob. II]

certainly [I40]; por - in itself, entre - to himself, etc. [I5]

Sicilia Sicily [II1]

siega harvest [I18]

siempre still [II9]

sien temple of head [I38]

sierpe serpent [I7]

sierra mountains [I12]

siesta afternoon nap (time) [I15]siglo age [I1], epoch [I2], century [I13], life [I35], -s times [I39]

significar to represent [I4], to make known [I42/43], to indicate [I48]

significativo expressive [I1], meaningful [prI]

siguiente following [I18], desde otro día - on the next day [I33]

siguimiento pursuit [II26]

silbando whistling [II63]

silbato whistle [I2]

silbo whistle [I23], hiss [I14]

silencio silence [I13]

silguero = jilguero goldfinch [II37]

silla saddle [I10], chair [I50], litter [II48], - de manos litter [II64]

sillón sidesaddle [I36]

silo silo [I46]

silvestre wild [I25]

silvoso wild [I18]

sima pit [I15]

simiente seed [I8]

similitud resemblance [I30]

simpar = sin par peerless [I4]

simple foolish, plain, simple person [prI], simple [I1], -s ingredients [I17]; simpleton [I22]

simpleza simplicity [II8]

simplicidad simplicity [I6]

simulacro image [I34]

sin par peerless [I4]

sinabafa fine fabric [I15]

sincero sincere [II1]

singular extraordinary [I1]

siniestro depravity [I15]; left [I23], catastrophic [II60]

sinificativo meaningful [II43]

sino except [I1], but [I8]

sinrazón injustice [I1]

sinsabor pain [I7], displeasure [I15], -es dislikes [I23]

siquiera at least [I16], even [I42/43], even for [I34], just [I6], although [pról. II], it makes no difference [II26]; - no not even [I34],

sirgo twisted silk [I11]

sirviente servant [II23]

sitio site [I20], location [II72]

so pena de under penalty of [I4]

sobajado crushed [I26]

soberano sovereign [I25]

soberbia arrogance [I8], pride [II8]

soberbio arrogant [I1], splendid [II10]; arrogant person [I17]

sobornar to bribe [I28]

sobra excess [prI], leftovers [I37]

sobrado in excess [II13]

sobrar to be more than enough [I9], to be left over [II4]

sobre on [I41]

sobrecarga overload [II71]

sobredicho aforementioned [I1]

sobreescrito = sobrescrito address [II36]

sobrehumano superhuman [I13]

sobrellevar to help to bear [II51]

sobremanera beyond measure [I18]

sobremodo excessively [II23]

sobrenatural supernatural [I48]

sobrenombre (last) name [I1]sobrepelliz surplice [I19]

sobrepujar to exceed [I23]

sobrerropa de levantar robe [II53]

sobresaltado startling [I33], terrified [I34], terrifying [II60]

sobresaltar to terrify [I16], to assail [I20], -se to be startled [I27], to jump on the inside [I42/43]

sobresalto fright [I8], fear [I34], distress [I42/43]

sobrescrito envelope [I27]

sobrevenir to follow [I20], to occur [I23], to befall [II48]

sobrina niece [I1]

sobrino nephew [II24]

socaliña cunning [II38]

socaliñado tricked [II40]

socapa, a surreptitiously [I46]

socarrón jokester [I3]

socarronería cunning [II43]

socorredor helper [II26]

socorrer to succor, aid [I3], to help [135]

socorro help [I41]

soez vile [I3], coarse [I25]

soficiente = suficiente sufficient [II45]

sofistería deceitful nonsense [II51]

sofístico fallacious [I25]

soga rope [I14]

soguilla cord [II41]

sol sun [I2]

solapa, de on the sly [II33]

solapar to hide [II23]

solar ancestral mansion [I21]

solas: a - alone [I21], a sus - = a solas [I33]

solaz enjoyment [I11]

solazar to take one's ease [I2], -se to have pleasure [I19]

soldada wages [I4]

soldadesca soldiering [I39], pertaining to a soldier [I51]

soldado soldier [I1]

soldar to mend [I33], to solder [II19]

soledad privacy [I11], desert I13], solitude [I20], lonely place [I25]

solene = solemne solemn [I25], notorious [II7]

solenizado = solemnizado extolled [I23]

solenizar = solemnizar to commemorate [I41], to celebrate [I19]

soler to be accustomed [dedI], "used to" [I18]

solicitado wooed [I33], entreated [I12]

solicitar to make overtures [I7], to ask for [I51]

solícito diligent [I11], insistent [I33], ready [I51]

solicitud importunity [I11], diligence [I28], persistence [I28]

soliloquio soliloquy [II10]

solitario solitary [I25]

sólito accustomed [II18]

sollozo sob [I27]

solo alone [I1], only [II23]

soltar to release [I4], to throw down [I3], to fire artillery [I41], -se to release oneself [I36]soltero bachelor [I33]

soltura release [I22], run (in stocking) [II44]

sombra shadow [dedI], shade [I50]

sombras y lejos appearance [I17]

sombrero hat [I21]

sombrío sombre [I20]

sombroso shady [II12]

son = sonido sound [I4], music [II20]

sonado resounding [I1]

sonaja small hand drum [II19]

sonante sounding

sonar to sound [I2], to resound [I45]

sonda: con la - en la mano prudent [II32]

soneto sonnet, 14-line poem [I23]

sonoro clear [prI], sonorous [I1]

sonreírse to smile [I35]

sonsacar to entice away [II2]

soñado imagined [I1], dreamed [II25]

soñar to dream [I35]

soñoliento drowsy [I42/43]

sopa de arroyo stones [II11]

soplar to blow [I41]

sorber to soak up [II8]

sordo deaf person [I6]; quiet [I20]

sortija ring [I27]

sosegadamente calmly [II14]

sosegado calm [I5], still [I50]

sosegar to rest [I18], to calm [I20], to calm down [I20]; -se to become calm [II27]

sosiego tranquility [prI], calmness [I19]

soslayo, a obliquely [I7]

sospecha suspicion [I14]

sospechoso suspect [I33], suspicious [I48]

sospirar = suspirar to sigh [I12], to break wind [I8]

sospiro = suspiro [I17], fart [II8]

sostener to hold up [I20], -se to support oneself [I25]

sotaermitaño female sub-hermit [II24]

sotana cassock [I6]

sotiliza see sutileza

sotilmente slightly [I35]

suave gentle [prI], mixed together [II19]

suavemente quietly [II42]

suavidad mellowness [I6]

suavísimamente very gently [II44]

subir to mount [I2], to rise [I40], to help up [II10], to increase [II38]

súbito sudden [II29]

subjeto = sujeto subject [I14], -s matters [II2]

sublimado exalted [I46]

sublimidad loftiness [II41]

subsistir to live [I27]

suceder to happen [I7], to follow in order [I16]

sucesivamente one after the other [I28]

suceso event [I5], success [I8], fortune [I12], outcome [I27], incident [II4]

sucintamente briefly [I16]

sucinto concise [I42]

sucio dirty [II25]

sudado sweaty [I31]sudar to sweat [I5], - el hopo to sweat it out [I10]

sudor sweat [I4]

suegro father-in-law [II10], -s parents-in-law [I47]

suela sole of shoe [I26]

suelo ground [I3], floor [I16], earth [II43]

sueltas, echar to put fetters [I15]

suelto free [I12], loose [I22], agile [II20]

sueño sleep [I8], dream [I29], quitar el - to wake up, pesado - deep sleep [II42], - suelto sound sleep [II68]

suero whey [II17]

suerte kind [= type] [dedI], luck [I1], way [I17], fortune [I20], manner [I24], point [II49]; de - que so that [prI], state [I2], caberle la - to fall to one's lot [I4], de tal - in such a way [I17]; echar - s to draw lots [I12], desa - in that case

suficiencia capacity [II36]

sufragio services for the redemption of souls from purgatory [II55]

sufridor endurer [I50]

sufridor patient [I22]

sufrimiento patience [I25]

sufrir to endure [I4], to withstand [I16], to put up with [I17], to allow [II43]

sujeción subjection [II53]

sujetarse to submit [I14]

sujeto object [I14], political subject [I41], subject [II42]; subjected [I2]

sumar to amount to [tasa II]

sumergir to submerge [II23]

sumir to plunge [II14]

sumisión submission [II10]

sumiso low [II62]

sumo great [I39]

sumptuoso sumptuous [II34]

suntuoso sumptuous [I42/43]

supeditar to subdue [II18]

superchería outrage [II26]

superstición talisman [II52]

supino on one's back [II69]

suplemento supplement [II22]

suplicación request [I41]

suplicar to request [reI], to beg [prI], to entreat [I4]

suplicio punishment [I29]

suplir to supply [I1], to make up for [I16]

surco furrow [II35]

suso: de - above [reI]

susodicho aforesaid [priv. II]

suspender to stop [prI], to amaze [I42], to postpone [I51], to prop up [II4]

suspensión hesitation [prI], suspense [I33]

suspenso hesitant [prI], amazed [I9], in suspense [I22]

suspirar to sigh [I29]

suspiro sigh [I5]

sustancia substance [I10]

sustancial substantial [I16]sustentar to sustain [I11], to feed [I15], to support [I39], to carry [I41],to hold up [I52]; -se to sustain oneself [I8], to be supported [I33]

sustento food [I10], sustenance [I31], support [II10]

susto fright [II11]

susurro rustling [I20], whisper [II33]

sutil slender [I3], subtle [II5]: thinness [I16]

sutileza light-fingeredness [I3], deftly [I10], sly [I23], subtlety [II8]

suyo, de by nature [I20]