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Image 1672-73-Amberes-Verdussen-01-025 
Illustration No. 1     
Illustrator Frederik Bouttats (copied after) 
Engraver Unknown 
Title Caption  
Title Supplied Adventure of the dead body 
Part Part I, Madrid 1605  
Chapter Chapter 19 
Subject 19.1 Adventure of the dead body
Illustration Type Chapter illustration
Technique Process / Photomechanical technique
Color Black and white 
Page Number w/p 
Image Dimension 160 x 90 
Page Dimension 200 x 133 
Commentary In the foreground, don Quixote after defeating Alonso López, fallen with his mule; Sancho observes the scene.
In the background, the funeral procession companions holding tapers and torches; some of them flee away.
Drawing and engraving are quite acceptable.
Alonso López's figure, falling from his mule, is remarkable. 
Notes 1 - Photomechanical copy of the illustration appeared in Paris: Compagnie des Libraires, 1713.
2 – Copy after Clouzier's engraving (Paris: Compagnie des Libraires, 1700) after Bouttats' illustration for Amberes: Verdussen, 1672-73; don Quixote's figure has been moved backwards, so now he is attacking another ecclesiastic, not Alonso López.