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Image 1746-LaHaye-Hondt-01-014 
Illustration No. 1     
Illustrator Charles-Antoine Coypel (copied after) 
Engraver Bernard Picart 
Title Caption Sancho s'Eveille et se desespere de ne plus retrouver son cher grison que Gines de passamont luy Enleve 
Title Supplied  
Part Part I, Madrid 1605  
Chapter Chapter 23 
Subject 23.2 SP’s donkey is stolen
Illustration Type Chapter illustration
Technique Burin engraving
Color Black and white 
Page Number f.p. 42 
Image Dimension 193 x 151 
Page Dimension 267 x 215 
Commentary In the foreground, Sancho wakes up and discovers that Ginés de Pasamonte has stolen his donkey; Don Quixote observes him with astonishment.
In the background, Ginés de Pasamonte running away with the donkey, although in Cervantes' text it is said: "y antes que amaneciese se halló bien lejos de poder ser hallado" (23:1).
The complete description of this scene (the saddle on four stakes) appears in chapter 4:2.
Well-detailed drawing and engraving. 
Notes 1 - Bernard Picart signs as "del." and "sculp." (draw and engraved).
2 - Copy after Coypel's illustration (Paris: Surugue, c. 1728-30). The composition has been turned and the format now is vertical, so Picart has enlarged the trees.
3 - Picart died in 1733, so the plate was engraved in this year or before.