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Image 1850-Paris-Havard-01-050 
Illustration No. 1   2    
Illustrator Tony Johannot 
Engraver Louis-Henri Breviere 
Title Caption J'ai vu sortir par une des deux portes qui se sont subitement ouvertes un vieillard vénérable. 
Title Supplied  
Part Part II, Madrid 1615  
Chapter Chapter 23 
Subject 23.1 DQ’s tale of his experience in the cave
Illustration Type Vignette
Technique Wood engraving or Xylography
Color Black and white 
Page Number 144 
Image Dimension 135 x 87 
Page Dimension 305 x 205 
Commentary Excellent and detailed portrait of Montesinos, as described by don Quixote; "un venerable anciano, vestido con un capuz de bayeta morada, que por el suelo le arrastraba: ceñíale los hombros y los pechos una beca de colegial, de raso verde; cubríale la cabeza una gorra milanesa negra, y la barba, canísima, le pasaba de la cintura; no traía arma ninguna, sino un rosario de cuentas en la mano" (23:2).
Drawing and engraving are masterly (see Montesinos' face and right hand, the shading of his gown...). 
Notes 1 - Placed in chapter 25:2.
2 - Reproduced after Paris: Dubochet, 1836-37.