Image 1906NewYork-02-029 
Illustration No. 1     
Illustrator Daniel Urrabieta Vierge 
Title Caption The Dinner at the Inn. 
Title Supplied  
Part Part I, Madrid 1605  
Chapter Chapter 37 
Subject 37.3 DQ speech of arms and letters
Illustration Type Chapter illustration
Technique Process / Photomechanical technique
Color Black and white 
Volume II 
Page Number 195 
Image Dimension 114 x 183 
Page Dimension 180 x 255 
Commentary At Juan Palomeque's inn, the innkeeper and his wife preparing dinner for don Quixote, Dorotea, Luscinda, Zoraida, don Fernando, Cardenio, the captive, the priest, the barber and others; all aready seated or sitting down at the table.
Scene resolved with great naturalism and excellent composition.
Vierge's style is absolutely masterly; his figures are detailed and real, full of life; also the setting, carefully-done and based on real places from La Mancha.
Notice also the perfect use of light and shadow, halftones and shading.
Usual in Vierge's illustrations, some element in black creates a worth noting contrast.
His short and fine drawing lines imitate etching. 
Notes 1 - Vierge's original drawings (Chinese ink and wash) were reproduced by photogravure (notice the plate mark); the specific technique used, heliogravure, allows an excellent reproduction both of the original wash halftones and of the lines.
2 - "Otra estampa notable del dibujante español es, entre otras muchas, la muy nueva y original que representa la sala de la misma venta, poco después, en ocasión de ir a pronunciar Don Quijote su famosísimo discurso de las armas y las letras. [...] En toda la imaginería quijotesca no hay una versión de esta escena en la venta que pueda compararse con la que aquí nos ofrece Urrabieta Vierge" (Givanel 288-291).